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The Greatest Gift of All

Monday, July 6


Theme: The Mass is a MYSTERY that Jesus wants us to learn more about.


Virtue: Patience

Tuesday, July 7


Theme: The Mass is a GIFT that Jesus wants us to love and cherish. 

Jesus is the Greatest Gift we receive at Mass. 


Virtue: Peace

Come Live in Me

Wednesday, July 8


Theme: The Mass is a CELEBRATION that unites us with our Catholic community.


Virtue: Unity

Unity Quilt

Unity Quilt

Thursday, July 9


Theme: The Mass is a sacred MEAL that we share together.  Jesus comes to feed us with His Body and His Blood through the Eucharist.


Virtue: Faith

Friday, July 10


Theme: The Mass is a CALL for each one of us to say "yes" to Jesus.  Jesus calls us to go out into the world to be His light to others.  


Virtue: Generosity 

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